
2019年11月6日—I'vebeenusingOurStickys(https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ourstickys/)foryears,eventhoughithasn'tbeenupdatedsince ...,2017年8月27日—OurStickys-StickyNotesoneverypage.Istartedthisproject...1)youcancreateanoteonanywebpage...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Looking for extensions that let you put sticky notes on a page

2019年11月6日 — I've been using OurStickys (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ourstickys/) for years, even though it hasn't been updated since ...


2017年8月27日 — OurStickys - Sticky Notes on every page. I started this project ... 1) you can create a note on any web page with a simple right click on the page


2024年4月25日 — Download OurStickys - Sticky Notes on every page for Firefox. Add Persistent Sticky Notes anywhere on any web page, they will reappear when ...


OurStickys - Sticky Notes on every page. Here are the founders, developers, designers and product people who worked on OurStickys - Sticky Notes on every page.

OurStickys - Sticky Notes on every page

Add Persistent Sticky Notes anywhere on any web page, they will reappear when you re-open the page.

OurStickys – Sticky Notes on every page

2020年2月13日 — 在任何网页上的任意位置添加永久便笺,当您重新打开该页面时,便笺将重新出现.


2019年11月6日—I'vebeenusingOurStickys(https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/ourstickys/)foryears,eventhoughithasn'tbeenupdatedsince ...,2017年8月27日—OurStickys-StickyNotesoneverypage.Istartedthisproject...1)youcancreateanoteonanywebpagewithasimplerightclickonthepage,2024年4月25日—DownloadOurStickys-StickyNotesoneverypageforFirefox.AddPersistentStickyNotesanywhereonanywebpage,theywill...